10. Sometimes, twins will read the same exact book, on the same exact aisle, with the same exact head tilt, and will laugh out loud at the same exact time. Go Pokemon!
9. Sometimes you learn new words that you can then add to your daily vocabulary. In this case, Geedunk -- as in, "Do not eat too much geedunk before dinner!"
8. Kids will get up early while on vacation when there is a hunt for the world's best donut. VG's in Cardiff is in the running for the #1 spot. Close second: Peterson's Donut Corner in Escondido. We Moshers will travel far for a good pastry.
7. Night swimming is awesome. It is especially helpful for those who do not want to a) blind people by their white skin and b) are mortified to show off their bathing-suit-clad body -- see blog entry below.
6. Addendum: Night swimming is a very popular activity. Note that when a family is playing a game like Marco Polo with one other, be sure to steer clear of the action or you might find yourself in the middle of their game and tagged, or, in my case, goosed.
5. People who goose total strangers during a family game of Marco Polo can get really, really embarrassed.
4. The 100th game of Uno is not as exciting as the first or even the 10th.
3. Addendum: Uno can bring out both the best and the worst in players, causing them to say things like, "This sucks monkeys," or "Really, people?" or "Are you telling me that in that whole stack of crap you don't have any threes?"
2. Addendum: Family games of Uno are made better by eating KettleKorn and boxes of Gobstoppers and Nerds. Well, at least the games seemed to move more quickly . . . .
1. Having fun with your family is really one of the greatest things you can ever experience. Thanks, Mom and Tom, for the fun week.