Grace in her ferocious makeup for her role as Slightly, Peter Pan's lieutenant.
Grace and Dad after the big show, in her costume, taking pictures with her adoring fans.
The whole family (Jay included), with the boys in their fancy hats. We were all so proud!
Grace just completed a two-week run of Peter Pan with MYART, her community theater troupe of choice. This is the third show she's done with MYART, and she's rarin' to go for another in the fall. (I, on the other hand, was whupped by this show and the costumes I had to create and the money spent. But what's a theater mom to do?)
Peter Pan ran May 7, 8,9 and 14, 15, with two shows on each Saturday and two field trip shows on the respective Fridays. Grace did her "lead" on the night of Friday the 14th, and we were blessed with many friends and family members who showed up to support her.
She was terrific in her role. She sang, she acted and she filled in a line for someone who didn't say hers. I love how Grace's talent is growing and that she is looking forward to trying out for bigger roles in the years to come. Brava!!
It was so fun to see her on stage! She has grown so much, and it was great to see so much of her this time!! I'm going to send you pictures right now. I think I forgot to do that!