September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. How do I know this? I'm not really sure why I have remembered the date, but Kevin and Bean from KROQ talked about it years ago, and since then, every September 19 has found me dusting off the pirate lingo and spending the day accosting folks with "ARGH!" or "Ahoy Matey," which as you know is the standard pirate greeting.
If you choose to participate tomorrow (and you should), you can also pepper your conversation with the following:
Avast me hearties!
booty (one should always use this word, even if it's not talk like a pirate day)
shiver me timbers
Davy Jones's locker
land lubber
There are many more examples on the Talk Like a Pirate Day website. You can also find out your pirate name, which can be helpful when you find yourself in a situation where you have to identify yourself to a group of pirates. Saying your name is Sheryl Mosher isn't as impressive as saying your name is Captain Ethel Kidd.
Have fun tomorrow. Try talking like a pirate in church. I know I'm going to. It might bring a whole new and deeper understanding to the message. Or it just might bring about "Arrrrrmageddon."
I wish I had known. We could have done this day proud. Next year. :)